The Curse of the Capable

Published by Morgan James Publishing
Why high achievers so often struggle to find true happiness—and how they can learn to balance performance with inner peace.

When we look at outwardly successful, capable people, we often presume that they must experience satisfaction with their lives. We can make the same mistake when we view ourselves—wondering why we’re plagued by anxieties, self-doubt, exhaustion, or even addictions and health problems when it seems like we “should” be happy.

This insightful book shows how the stories we create about ourselves early in life—stories that can often include some fictional elements—can have a dramatic impact on our current situation. The beliefs and habits we’ve developed can even lead into a downward spiral, as feelings of being overwhelmed or disappointed start to affect our performance in life, causing a crash in self-esteem.

With The Curse of the Capable, you can start to untangle the hidden hardships that plague so-called high achievers—and find the crucial balance between taking care of business and taking care of yourself.