Sharon Thompson

Sharon Thompson

Sharon Thompson lives in Donegal, Ireland and is represented by Trace Literary Agency. Her published short stories can be found in; Brilliant Flash Fiction, Silver Apples, WritingRaw, North West Words and two anthologies by Imagine, Write, Inspire. Elijah Lucian also recorded her story for his audio flash-fiction site. Non-fiction pieces were published on the International Dangerous Women’ s Project and on various websites. Drunk Monkeys will publish her short story in July and The Incubator will feature her flash-fiction in August. Sharon is an avid member of Imagine, Write, Inspire an on-line writing group, under the mentorship of HarperCollins author Carmel Harrington. #WritersWise is a fortnightly, trending promotional tweet-chat with corresponding Facebook page and website which Sharon co-founded. It has many talented guest-hosts and aims to get writers as wide an audience as possible. On Sunday mornings, Sharon’ s regular column is on Woman’ s Words with Donegal Woman website and Facebook. Find Sharon on and @sharontwriter.

Books By Sharon Thompson (3 Books)